7 of my favorite updates in the new robbe

It’s a great day for Irobot. The brand behind what used to be the best robot vacuum cleaners in the business has discarded almost all its boomb fleet and replaced it with five new bots. The new alignment presents some quite important updates that, hopefully, should turn Ibot into the formidable player that was once in the world of robot vacuum.

Here is a summary of the characteristics that most excites me in the new Roomba range, in addition to a couple of developments in which I am less sold.

#1. Lidar (finally!)

Irobot has taken too long on board with Lidar, but later than ever. Lidar is basically the standard form of the Robot vacuum navigation industry, and generally agreed to be much better than the oldest Slam method found in the old Irobot bots. Its introduction means that new braces should offer faster and more reliable navigation and mapping. There are also more practical benefits: it means that the robot can navigate in the dark, for example, instead of requiring a light source. (Go to our article Lidar vslam for more information on how the two technologies are compared).

(Image credit: Irobot)

#2. Improved Moppolation Maps

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