The Punjab Home Department has launched a crackdown on illegal arms dealers and repairers across the province, identifying 19 people involved in unauthorized arms trading and repair activities.
The action is being taken under the Punjab Arms Ordinance, 1965, and legal proceedings have been initiated against those identified.
The department has filed cases against these individuals and is working to effectively enforce the law.
As per the directives of Punjab Home Minister Noor-ul-Amin Mengal, the department has made public the names and addresses of illegal arms dealers and repairers. Among the counterfeit dealers identified are:
- National Rifle Company, Johar Town, Lahore
- MS Moakil Arms Company, Begum Kot Shahdara
- English Arms Company, Neela Gumbad, Lahore
- Outdoor Sports Guns and Ammunition Dealer, Mazang Chungi, Lahore
- Muhammad Akhtar Property Pak Gun Store, Shahdara
- Akhtar Brothers Arms and Ammunition, Manawan Lahore
- Ameen Brothers Arms and Ammunition, Ravi Road, Lahore
- Ali brothers and company, McLeod Road, Lahore
- MS Shahbaz Mohiuddin Arms and Ammunition, Neela Gumbad, Lahore
- Omega Enterprises & Company, Gulberg Boulevard, Lahore
- Muhammad Zia Al-Mustafa Arms and Ammunition, Gujrat
- Ilyas & Company, Bhimber Road, Gujrat
The repression also targeted fake weapons repair shops. The following were identified for operating illegal weapons repair services:
- AA Gun Repair Shop, Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore
- English Arms Company, Neela Gumbad, Lahore
- Ameen Ali Zafar, Lower Mall, Lahore
- Qasim Arms and Ammunition Dealers Repair Shop, GT Road, Shahdara, Lahore
- Outdoor Sports Guns and Ammunition Dealer, Mazang Chungi, Lahore
- Alee Brothers & Company Gun Repair Shop, McLeod Road, Lahore
- Muhammad Sufyan Repair Shop, Sheikhupura Road, Sheikhupura
The Punjab Home Department has appealed to the public to report any illegal arms trade activities. Citizens are encouraged to share information confidentially through the department’s toll-free helpline at 080011111.