Netflix has revealed the full trailer for apple cider vinegara new series launching on February 6, 2025, and it looks like a non-stop journey of outrageous influencer scams.
Set during the early days when influencers really emerged and became a dominant voice in the media, it follows two self-proclaimed wellness gurus who encourage a healthy diet and lifestyle to overcome cancer. Belle Gibson (Kaitlyn Dever) builds an empire based on the diet that “cured” her cancer…except she never had cancer to begin with.
It looks like the series will delve into the deceptions that take over competitive personalities in a world where success is defined by the number of people who listen to you and the fear of what will happen if someone else has a more compelling story. always present.
Netflix describes it as “true,” which says it’s based on a real person and real events, but with heavily fictional elements and characters added to tell the story the way the creators want… which is basically the norm for this . type of series, so it’s good that Netflix recognizes it more than usual. However, this may have less to do with conscientiousness and more to do with the demand for baby reindeer being a “true” story.
apple cider vinegar It looks like it will be a deep, unflinching look at the insecurity and desperation that leads someone down the path of inventing a third cancer to pretend to survive, and how social media structures can support and encourage such behavior.
I think Kaitlyn Dever is an excellent actress who has been slightly underused since she broke out on smart bookI really enjoyed it though. no one will save youand dizzy It was a great success. apple cider vinegar It looks like it’ll give you something really unhinged to chew on, and I’m absolutely here for it.