The joint action committee (JAC) announced Thursday that it would join the field protests (today) throughout the Friday of the Union of Journalists of the Pakistan Federation (PFUJ) against the last amendments to the prevention of the Law of Electronic Crime (Peca).
Despite the guarantees of consultations with the interested parties, the federal government razed the controversial bill in the National Assembly and then approved it of the Senate in a hurry, which speaks volume of the further motives of the government and the bad intention, he declared The journalist organizations in JAC- including PFUJ, PBA, CPNE, AEMEND and APNS.
Neither the Government, nor the National Assembly and the Senate, made any consultation with the interested parties, nor the president met with journalists before consenting to the bill despite the repeated appeals of JAC, which was unfortunate, they added.
Jac rejected the amendment bill and expressed his determination to put strong legal and public resistance against the law. The Committee had begun to contact civil society, lawyer organizations and other interested parties, Jac said. All Jac journalists would fully participate in protests throughout the country in Pfuj.