Attack on convoy in Alto Kurram Humsures Commissioner Assistant

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A government convoy that transports negotiators for a high fire between two rival tribes in Alto Kurram has been left shots, which left the commissioner of the town of Saeed Manan, wounded.

According to the station station officer, the district administration had successfully negotiated a fire in the Upper Kurram, but while a convoy was on their way to holding conversations with the other faction, when it was attacked.

The convoy, led by the assistant commissioner Saeed Manan, was fired, which resulted in his injury.

The authorities confirmed that the commissioner Manan was transferred to the Bushera hospital to receive treatment.

The assistant commissioner was traveling to Bushera next to the Ghuljo Kelay area to maintain peace when the convoy was under shots.

In response, the district administration hardened security measures in the area. Meanwhile, a Jirga (Tribal Council) is underway at the commissioner’s office in Kurram.

Meanwhile, around 66 people stranded in Kurram due to recent disturbances were successfully evacuated.

According to the recommendations of the local elders, 66 people, including women and children, were safely relocated in a safe area of ​​Teri Mangal, where they had been caught due to current violence.

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