- The 7x SUV is among the first EVs to receive the latest Zeekr battery technology
- Fast charging can add more than 300 miles in minutes
- Journalists have been experiencing the rapid first -hand recharges
Zeekr revealed details of his next -generation ‘Golden Battery’ technology at the end of 2023, when he promised 500 km (about 310 miles) of reach in just 15 minutes.
Well, that battery technology has now adjusted to its latest EV model, the 7x SUV, and the performance of its packages has exceeded expectations, managing to load 10-80% in nine minutes 45 seconds.
Kyle Connor, host of the YouTube channel out of the specifications reviews, recently put into practice with the 7X SUV, where he drained the lithium ion phosphate battery (LFP) of 75kWh to zero before overcoming it from one of those of Zeekr. Public load outlets.
The exit was classified as an 840kw (eclipse with 350-400kw stations that the rest of the world just begins to deploy.
A Connor video shows the 7x SUV that pulls 200kw in the early stages of the load session, rapidly increasing 400kw as the battery reaches 10% of state (SOC). The departure then reaches a 460kw peak, before leveling 400kw for the rest of the session.
In general, it was indicated that a completely complete load, which takes the battery from 0 to 100% (something that most EV owners never do) it was indicated that it takes only 19 minutes.
The majority of EV owners understand that the optimal load occurs around the range of 20-80%, where batteries can accept the fastest electron flow and, in this case, the 10-80% load was completed of nine minutes and 45 seconds. That is not very far from replenishing an equivalent service car.
More important for customers, the 7X SUV Zeekr managed to add around 21 miles for every minute of load, which is fantastic news for those who simply need to add some additional miles to reach their destination. Theoretically, only four minutes of load would add almost 85 miles.
This is possible thanks to several things, the first is the impressive fast charging network of Zeekr, which says it is prepared to implement other key markets, such as Australia, Thailand and other regions of Asia/Pacific, according to Motor 1.
The second is LFP battery technology that, unlike most rivals, admits a 5.5 C rate. It is complex, but that essentially means that it can be charged or discharged 5.5 times its total non -exploit time.
Inside Evs says he performed his own tests in a Tesla Model S, which briefly loaded a peak of 2.5 C, to compare.
To aggravate the issues, most of the current Tesla line (including the model and renewed) is limited to 250kw load speeds, despite the fact that the Tesla supercharging network can now deliver up to 325kw.
Analysis: Commercial rates could deny the rest of the world this technology
Both the Biden administration and President Trump have lowered strongly on Chinese electric vehicles, imposing steep trade tariffs and even the perspective of an absolute prohibition.
The United Kingdom and much of Europe have also imposed similar measures to level the playing field for their national car manufacturers.
But the fact is that China is simply light ahead when it comes to battery and load innovation. This most recent demonstration of Zeekr’s cargo skill is half the time that a Porsche Taycan has been loading, for example, which was already an impressive figure.
Of course, part of the puzzle is to develop a robust load infrastructure that can cope with this production level, but companies such as Zeekr, as well as several other brands owned by Geely, have already said that they will invest in infrastructure to ensure that customers get the best experience.
Zeekr, for example, already has more than 800 ultra fast load stations installed in China, with plans to continually expand that number in the coming months.
With Tesla continuing disappointing with the lack of a clear development of future products, while inherited car manufacturers remain undecided over a future EV, US consumers yearn for rival products that can compete (and excel) in regard to technology .
But with China to be denied a seat on the table, it seems that the rest of the world will be forced to wait.