According to the reports, Robert De Niro does not participate much when it comes to raising his daughter Gia.
Robert previously shared that he does not change diapers and leaves that duty with the mother of his daughter Tiffany Chen, 45 years old.
“No, no, but I used to do it,” said De Niro, insisting that he fulfilled the diaper for his older children and helps raise GIA in other ways.
“I spend my morning looking (YouTuber for young children) Mrs. Rachel with her, and I give her her bottle,” he explained.
Now, a source says: “It is quite insensitive to presume to be a changing diaper changer, but it is a type of old school.”
The Tipster continued, saying Online radar: “He insists that he changed the diapers with his older children, but clearly he does not see him so important now. He likes to be Disneyland’s father and Swan inside and outside and leaving heavy work to Tiffany.”
The source said that Chen “tolerates him”, but his friends think that “they think he is lousy” and “feels that he would join GIA better and strengthen his relationship with Tiffany also if he took a step forward.”