Coas link clemency so that terrorists surrender


The head of the Army personnel (COA), General Syed also Munir, categorically declared that Pakistan would not allow Fitna-Al-Khawarij to impose his ideology in Pakistan, but left space for a possible clemency if such wrong groups surrender and are They place at the mercy of the State.

Going to a group of university students, the head of the Army described Fitna-Al Khawarij, a term used for terrorists belonging to the prohibited Tehreek-E-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), as a disruptive group that ignores Islam and completely external to its teachings.

The interaction with the students took place on GHQ on Wednesday, but parts of their sincere comments appeared on social networks on Sunday. “We are fighting the anarchists of Fitna-Al-Khawarij. These external elements distort the true teachings of Islam and violate their principles,” he said.

“We fight as comrades, and that is the beauty of the army: there are no Sindhi, Baloch, Punjabi or Pashtun; we are all Pakistani,” said the army head.

Citing the verses of the Sacred Koran, the general also reinforced his position in Fitna Khawarij, stating that the Qur’an clearly prescribed severe punishments for those who freed the war against Allah and his messenger (Pbuh) and spread the anarchy on earth.

Referring to Koranic teachings, he said: “For those who fight the war against Allah and his messenger and create a disorder on earth, their punishment is execution, crucifixion, the amputation of their hands and feet, or exile of the earth .

The head of the Army personnel also explained that those who wanted to avoid divine punishment should surrender and submit, since Allah is the most indulgent and merciful, and the State could also show mercy in such cases. “Those who surrender to the State can expect mercy,” he said.

On the issue of women’s rights, the general also declared: “Islam has raised women to the highest status, either as a mother, wife or sister. Who are you to take away their dignity and who gave him The right to do it?

Their comments seem to be aimed at the Afghan Taliban, who prohibited the education of girls.

The general also reiterated that Pakistan’s army was fighting corrupt elements that misunderstood Islam. He said that the Khawarij were violating Islamic teachings, and religion had clear directives regarding such uproar.

During his interaction, the Army Chief encouraged students to fight for excellence in their academic activities and develop skills that allow them to contribute positively to the country’s progress. He also shared a perspective on the impact of the external environment on Pakistan, especially the threat of trans-Borden terrorism.

The Army Chief praised young people for their energy, creativity and ability to innovate, stating that they were Pakistan’s future leaders. Emphasizing the need to “imbibrate Pakistaniat”, Coas highlighted the importance of Pakistan’s culture, culture and values ​​”in the intellectual development of our youth.”

The Army Chief highlighted the role of the army in the safeguarding of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. He honored the sacrifices of the people of Pakistan in the struggle of the Nation against the threat of terrorism, and appreciated his support resolved to the Armed Forces and reads them.

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