After a 2024 full of price increases in the best transmission services in Australia, I expected a more stable 2025. Unfortunately, that is not the case, with several subscribers of Disney Plus already received by email about an upcoming price increase.
As of March 28, 2025, Premium Disney plus monthly subscriptions will increase in au $ 2 each month, while the annual subscription plan will see an increase of AU $ 30. Currently available for AU $ 18.99p/my au $ 179.99 annually , the new Premium Disney Plus plan will retrace the subscribers AU $ 20.99P/MY AU $ 209.99, respectively. It is not yet known if the standard level will also see the same treatment, but we will update this article as soon as we obtain confirmation.
Disney Plus is Marvel’s home, Star Wars, Pixar and a lot of popular programs such as New girl, The Kardashians, The Simpsons and Is always sunny in Philadelphiafacilitating see the value in a subscription. And, soon to the platform, it is also Espn.
If the addition of a sports channel requires the increase in prices, only one year after Disney Plus configures the premium level is a completely different can of the worms, but with the transmission prices that continue to get out of control, customers They must be considered which services to which they are signed and if they are worth them for them.
Dine and Dash
With the death of cable television, which ironically began with cheap and high -value transmission services, expensive and lower value streamers have wrapped us around their little finger.
Prime video, netflix, binge and stan have all increased its prices in (almost) the last 12 months. And why would they not? The few subscribers that are denounced due to price increases are only a fall in the cube, and it is likely that many more opt for a lower subscription level instead of passing without their favorite content.
Therefore, higher level subscribers not only pay services, but also make two lower level subscriptions with subscribers and advertisers. Disney Plus still has no ads in Australia, but since it offers it both in the United Kingdom and in the United States, its introduction may not be far away, especially if this price increase is badly received.
So how do you handle your finances without sacrificing your entertainment? In addition to canceling all your subscriptions and never seeing anything new, there is a transmission tactic that we have begun to implement, and we believe you should too.
It is called the subscription jump: jump from a transmission service to the next, depending on what interests you most. And, for many people, Disney Plus is the perfect example of a secondary service that may not need to pay for the whole year.
For example, when Daredevil: born again Launch in March, Disney Plus could be the number one service to have for Marvel fans, but once that program ends, you can always cancel and jump to Binge to see The penguin If you missed it at the end of 2024. And, once you are running out, maybe enjoy a month or two of Apple TV Plus so that it can catch up Rupture, Contraction and Slow horses.
We believe that, at any time, two transmission services are everything you must pay, since it is likely that you do not have time to see much more. This would include its main service, be it Netflix, Paramount Plus or Disney Plus, and a second in which it could be seeing a specific program. The subscription jump will not save hundreds at the same time, but in the long term, being aware of your subscriptions can save hundreds.
Save against higher prices
It is likely that for many subscribers, Disney Plus does not have enough quality content to keep it entertaining in the long term compared to the best transmission services in Australia. However, that will be reduced to personal preference and what you have already seen, and it is not difficult to see why Disney Plus could be sufficient for some users. He is strengthening his library with ESPN and, for parents, the content of their children is practically essential, especially with the next pixar series Win or lose Releasing on February 19.
If Disney Plus is essential for you, a price increase of Au $ 2 will not see it completely. However, if you are only there for a specific program, it could now be a good time to rethink your subscription.
It is too easy to ignore the relatively small amount of money taken from your account at the end of the month, but that amount adds incredibly fast, especially when subscribed to multiple services.
Do not worry, you don’t need to analyze each service every month to see which one is worth subscribing to. We do it for you, so see our guide to the best transmission services in Australia and use it to see the content that matters most, as long as it saves money.