It is rare for a robot video to fill me with sadness, but this new 1x with the new company’s new range of the company left me in a state of Ennui.
Neo Gamma is an update of the neo beta 1x introduced six months ago. At that time, the company said that its black and gray humanoid robot was subjecting to home trials. In the video, he showed the Bot briefly interacting with (even hugging) a human partner. He already left me with other robotists that I talked with skeptic. Domestic humanoid robots is generally believed to be a decade, but 1x seemed to be trying to close that gap significantly.
Recently, the company presented Neo Gamma, a robot with numerous aesthetic and technical improvements. There are new “emotional” LED ears that the company believes that will help improve communication. I suppose this is because the rings light up when you are talking to the robot, which presents microphones and speakers.
They have redone the body cover and have almost made it a more attractive beige, which makes it softer and safe for the home.
Movement also obtained an update. Neo Gamma’s arms can now balance, and his walk is softer than that of the beta model. In addition, the robot can now sit in a chair.
As with Neo Beta, neo gamma integrates the AI. For example, the updated visual manipulation model will allow Gamma to handle the objects that have never been seen before. In general, 1x affirms on its website, “the design of Neo Gamma opens the door to begin the internal tests of the home, a first step to create totally autonomous humanoids.”
To illustrate this point, 1x launched this release video, which shows Neo Gamma operating in a typical home. Clean, make and serve coffee, pour wine and collect the edibles of its owner. Neo gamma even clean the windows.
But it is a lonely existence. Most of the time, the couple in the video ignores Neo Gamma, even when it serves and works around. When coffee serves, they barely look up. As the carpet aspires, I don’t even look. There is a moving moment in which Neo Gamma helps to hang an image and even gets a thumb up, but that is the scope of real human commitment. At the end of the video, the couple is enjoying a meal in the dining room, one that I bet that Neo Gamma prepared and served, and the robot is alone in the other room. Take a seat on the couch and look at space.
Is this the “life” that we anticipate for our humanoid partners, with us, but separate? Although I suppose that these robots will not have feelings, I am sure that others and the anthropomorphize and I will begin to thank them, chat and participate in a more human way. I guess I wonder if 1x could have shown me a little more human interaction to Robot.
1x has not established a price or delivery date for Neo Gamma, but can join the waiting list to become the most robot … er … beloved owner.
Meanwhile, I think I need to cheer and go watch a fun cat video.