The rumored fump pivot. It was a ‘strategic calculation error’, says Raydium

The dominant Automated market manufacturer of Solana (AMM) Raydium responded on Monday for rumors that the large volume control pump. Fun was preparing to launch his own AMM.

Leaving Raydium Whole Hog would Raydium for internal commercial infrastructure.

Token’s investors threw Ray En-Masse this weekend after Hawkeyed observers noticed the bomb. FUN was apparently testing his own AMM, presumably with the intention of replacing Raydium’s long liquidity groups as their choice platform. Such movement would shake the economy of decentralized tokens in Solana.

At this time, Raydium, the largest AMM platform in the chain, captures the commercial rates generated by Memecoins that “graduated” of Launchpad to its own pools. The agreement, instead since the first days of the bomb.

But also leave the bomb. That does not mean that he is not doing anything: Pump. He has accumulated half a billion dollars in the rates that he collects from the tokens launches in the initial stage, one of Crypto’s most great.

Raydium is currently generating more than $ 1 million in rates every day from the trade of all its liquidity groups, not only those of the pump tokens. That said, more than 30% of Raydium’s daily negotiation volume comes from the bomb. Tokens fun, according to a dune board, which means that a good part of its rates could dry it if the pump.

“100%, the income coup is real,” said Infraray in a message to Coindesk. But he warned that the 30% haircut on the market in the ray tokens was “exaggerated” and partly due to sun weakness.

He said that any pivot of a new AMM could affect innumerable problems: inadequate support infrastructure, low demand for migrated tokens, a failure in volume in the launch.

“I think it is a real risk that they are overlooking, but it could be wrong,” said Infraray. co -founder Alon Cohen declined to comment.

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