First cloud storage, now mole

  • LASTAR plans to offer disaster recovery services of the moon
  • Successfully tested a data center defined by lunar software in 2024
  • His next mission, which will be launched soon, will test a physical data center (more or less)

We all know how important it is to back up our personal data in case of a disaster; I certainly learned that lesson in the difficult way, when a hard drive did not work badly and cold my desktop PC. As devastating as it was personally, for companies, data loss can be catastrophic, since while files and folders can be supported in many ways, even to the cloud, data centers outside the site, storage of tape And nas, some solutions take the idea to the extreme.

An example of this is the Archive World Archive (AWA), which stores containers full of data inside a sealed camera inside a coal of dismantled coal in Svalbard, between Norway Continental and the North Pole. If that is not sure enough for you, well, there is always space.

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