Pakistan slips into the Democracy Index

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Pakistan has dropped six places at 124 in the Democracy Index of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), located among the 10 countries of worse performance in democracy.

The EIU report classifies Pakistan as an authoritarian regime, assigning a low 2.84 score. The report also indicates that countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and India face serious threats to democratic processes, with fraud and violence elections that tarnish in the region.

The index, which evaluates the tendencies of democracy in 165 countries and two territories, classifies nations based on electoral processes, government functioning, political participation, political culture and civil freedoms.

The global study indicated a general decrease in democracy worldwide, and authoritarian regimes are increasingly rooted. Almost 40% of the world’s population now lives under the authoritarian government, with 60 countries classified as such.

The index observed a continuous fall in the average score for countries in Asia and Australasia, where Pakistan, along with Bangladesh and South Korea, showed the most significant decreases.

The report highlighted electoral manipulation, divisive policy and political disturbances as important challenges in southern Asia, including Pakistan. He cited accusations of political repression and interference in the general elections of Pakistan, which occurred in February 2024.

Joan Hoey, director of the Democracy Index, commented that although authoritarian regimes are gaining strength, democracies worldwide are fighting.

The report emphasized that the future of democracy in southern Asia would depend on the force of civil societies and the will of political institutions to adopt inclusive reforms.

In general, the 2024 democracy index paints a worrying image of global democratic health, with many countries, including Pakistan, which faces increasing challenges to its Democratic frameworks.

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