Maulana Rashid Ul-Haq becomes an attached chief of Darul Uuloom Haqqania, happening to her brother martyr

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Maulana Rashid Ul-Haq has been appointed as the new deputy boss of Darul Ulom Haqqania, after the martyrdom of her brother, Maulana Hamid Ul-Haq.

The decision was taken during a meeting held at Darul Ulom Haqqania in Akora Khattak, which included thousands of academics, political figures and members of the public who attended the funeral of Maulana Hameed Ul-HAQ, former press news reported.

The appointment of Maulana Rashid Ul-Haq was announced by Maulana Irfan Ul-Haq Haqqani, who spoke on behalf of the Haqqania family and the scholars of Darul Uuloom Haqqania.

The decision was made unanimously, and the meeting shows an overwhelming support for the new attached boss.

During the funeral, Maulana Irfan Ul-Haq raised her hands in prayer and confirmed the position of Maulana Rashid Ul-Haq as the attached boss of Darul Uuloom Haqqania.

At the same time, he expressed his support for Maulana Abdul Haq Sani, declaring him the political successor of his martyr, Mauula Hameed Ul-Haq.

In his speech at the funeral, Maulana Rashid Ul-Haq expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming support and solidarity of the community, emphasizing the legacy of his father and his brother in the struggle for the welfare of the country.

He promised to continue his mission and said: “This country is ours, and our ancestors sacrificed their lives for their preservation.”

Maulana Abdul Haq Sani, speaking at the funeral, said the meeting that the Haqqania family would never leave the path of truth. He added: “We will not be dissuaded by bombs, attacks or threats. As long as there is a member of the Haqqania family, we will continue the mission of Maulana Sami Ul-Haq and never compromise the teachings of Islam.”

After the funeral, the martyrdom of Maulana Hameed Ul-Haq was honest, and was buried with his father, Mulana Sami Ul-Haq, in a final tribute to his shared commitment to Islam and the nation.

A large number of people, including the Afghan General Consul, attended the funeral of Mauula Hamidul Haqqani -Chief of (Jui -s), which was martyred in a suicidal explosion in the Darul Ulom Haqqania in the Akora Khattak of Nowshera area of ​​the Khyber -Pakhtunkhwa district.

The bombing, which occurred after Friday’s prayers, killed Mauna Hamidul-Haq Haqqani and others.

After the tragic incident, a great crowd gathered in the Madrassa, where his son, Maulana Sahibzada Abdul Haq Sani, directed the funeral prayers of Mauna Hamid al-Haq.

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