Alec Baldwin looks back in the ‘painful’ period of his life

Alec Baldwin looks back in the painful period of his life
Alec Baldwin looks back in the ‘painful’ period of his life

Alec Baldwin had years in which his life apparently went through a negative phase due to a tumultuous relationship with his eldest daughter, Ireland.

The oxide blamed his divorce from his daughter Kim Basinger for this. “My relationship with my daughter Ireland was negatively affected by my divorce with her mother, and with a very long custody battle,” said the 66 -year series in the TLC series The Baldwins.

He continued: “Finance was probably a year and a half and everything else was custody. It was just crazy and really difficult. “

By issuing an apology to Ireland, Alec said: “One of my most unfortunate things was how it affected Ireland. But she is cultivated and is 29 years old. I have a good relationship with her and she loves children [I share with wife Hilaria Baldwin]. “

“She is sweet with them and she is her older sister, but she is not in that herd,” he added.

Previously, Alec shared how his tense relationship with Ireland had a “painful” impact on his personal life.

“That was very painful to the extent that someone who thought I was not able to have a certain behavior of Kindto ended up being the Marquis de Sade,” he said The guardian In 2013.

“That point of my life is a blur. I know exactly what projects was doing from 1986 to 2000. And after 2000 to 2006, during the Dien Phu of my divorce litigation. “

“I can barely tell you what I did during those six years. It was such a painful period that I was looking at a cliff for six years,” Alec concluded.

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