Crypto Copper’s custody firm has hired Tammy Weinrib as its new compliance director and officer of the Bank Secrets Law (BSA) for the Americas, the company said in a press release on Monday.
Weinrib will direct the company’s licensing campaign in the US market and will be part of the Copper executive team, based in New York.
His rent is part of Copper’s expansion in the United States, and follows the appointment of Amar Kuchinad as CEO Global in October last year.
Weinribo previously worked as a compliance director and BSA officer at Before this, he worked in Crypto Exchange Gemini.
She enjoyed a career in traditional finance before entering cryptography, with periods in Wall Street Bank Citi (C), Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Standard Chartered (Stan).
“His appointment marks an important step forward as we accelerate our growth strategy and expand our offer to traditional finances,” said Ama Kuchinad, COPER Global CEO, at the launch.
Copper said in December that he had withdrawn his application to register in the United Kingdom Financial Services Regulator.
The decision was part of the company’s strategic change to focus on markets such as the United States, Europe and the Middle East.
Read more: The Copper Equipper Custody firm withdraws the United Kingdom’s registration application