Microsoft SharePoint kidnapped to spread chaos malware

  • Security researchers saw a new clickfix campaign
  • The objective is to implement the HAVOC frame after exploitation
  • The frame is lodged in a Microsoft SharePoint account

Computer pirates have been seen that abuse Microsoft SharePoint to distribute Havoc’s exploitation framework in a new Clickfix Phishing attack.

Fortiguard Labs cybersecurity researchers, who have been tracking the campaign since last year, highlighted how Clickfix is ​​a type of fraud that we probably have all found at least once. The cybercriminals would kidnap a website and create an overlap that shows a false error message (for example: “your browser is outdated and to see the content of the website, you must update it”). That false message would promote the victim to the action, which generally concludes by downloading and executing malware, or sharing confidential information such as passwords or banking data.

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