Sam Altman’s world network presents a new chat function to connect real humans

Blockchain Venture by Sam Altman, World Network, is being divided into the messaging game with its most recent feature: the world chat.

The new feature, a “mini application” accessible through the world application wallet, will offer special characteristics to the owners of the World Network digital passport, which allows users to scan their IRIS in exchange for an account that verifies their “person’s test.”

World Chat is the last iteration of the world’s continuous search to help people discern humans in the AI ​​era. “When connecting to world identification, the world chat allows you to know when you are chatting with a verified human,” said World Developer Tools for Humanity in a statement to Coindesk.

Those who have not looked at the world’s iris scan orb will still have access to the new chat function. The new messaging application takes Design Signals from Apple’s IMessage, which uses blue chat bubbles for iphone users and green bubbles for everyone else. “Conversations with verified world identification holders have a blue chat bubble, as well as a unique world identification jewel in the upper right corner,” said Tools for Humanity. “The conversations with not verified accounts have a gray chat bubble and there is no such gem.”

The mini applications were launched in October 2024, and there were more than 250 million mini openings in the first two months of 2025, according to Tools for Humanity.

“The world application has grown so much during the past year that we have continually heard requests from a DMS layer. And we believe that for some actions such as sending money, that is much more natural and fun than going to a wallet and sending a transaction, ”said Tiago Sada, Head of Products of Tools for Humanity, to Coindesk. “People have been asking for the chat product specifically.”

World Chat will be available at the World application for Android and iPhone iOS users starting Thursday.

In addition to the world chat, the world and the friends of the social protocol with benefits, they are being associated with Alchemy, Bain Crypto Capital, Blockchain Capital and Variant Fund to launch an incubators program called World Build. The program includes hackatones, construction retreats and a demonstration day and is intended to encourage developers to build “mini applications.”

Read more: Sam Altman’s ocular scan orbs can now be summoned ‘like a pizza’, says Worldcoin executives

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