How to see the great spotify press conference tonight with Lady Gaga, the first of its kind

The pop icon Lady Gaga is imminent, and Spotify is organizing an exciting event in collaboration with the artist herself, and are involving fans. To mark the launch of the new Gaga album ViolenceThat comes out on March 7, Spotify is organizing a live press conference with her, marking a first type event for the transmission platform. There is only one trap: Gaga will not take questions from journalists, only fans.

You listened to me well. For once, Spotify is thinking beyond its general scope of the subscribers and is paying attention to specific fans bases, and can bet that I will tune in to their press conference led by fans entitled the ‘Little Monsters Press Conference. When Gaga took the social networks accounts of Spotify on February 21 to announce the event (see below), he said: “I want you to ask me every burning desire of a question [you] Have “, so because of the sounds, nothing is out of the limits in this exclusive Spotify press conference.

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