Interestless loans for qualified young people

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The Authority of Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVTA) and the Khyber Bank (BOK) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Thursday to provide interest-free commercial loans to the qualified young people of the province under the Ehsaas Hunar program of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government.

Special Assistant of the Principal Minister of Technical Education, Tafail Anjum, on this occasion, said that the Ehsaas Hunar program is an emblematic project of the main minister of KP for the young people of the province.

Under this program, the qualified young people from the province will receive interest -free loans to begin their own businesses.

The special assistant made the announcement at the MOU signature ceremony. The Industry of Secretary Amir AFAQ, managing director of Bok, managing director of Tevta and other officials were also present.

The project will be implemented through the BOK. An amount of more than RS3 billion for this project has been assigned, while RS200 million have been assigned for 2024-25.

Under this project, around 35,000 qualified young people from the province will receive commercial loans.

Each qualified recipient will receive a loan without interest from up to RS500,000, which will be paid in 36 installments. KP qualified residents between the ages of 18 and 40, who have a skill or diploma certificate, will benefit from this project.

Special Assistant for Tufail Technical Education Anjum said the provincial government has formally launched the Ehsaas Hunar program.

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