The reckless driver hits two cyclists while donuts in Tariq Road

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There was an incident on the Karachi Tariq road when the driver of a luxury car made a donut, running on two motorcyclists. The accident left both injured cyclists and has caused generalized outrage among residents.

A video of the incident, which has since been circulating on social networks, shows two people in a white luxury car that performs a donut in heavy traffic.

The driver accelerates and turns the car, hitting the two motorcyclists. Their bicycles are entangled with the front bumper of the car, which makes the riders fall and suffer injuries.

After the incident, the automobile occupants fled the scene, and the police launched an investigation. However, the suspects have not yet been arrested.

The incident has triggered public anger, and many requested a stricter application of traffic laws and the hardest sanctions for those who violate the road safety rules.

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