Holesky of Ethereum reaches the purpose after 2 weeks as he continues the tested tests

Holesky Testnet of Ethereum finally reached the purpose of Monday, almost two weeks after the sicking update was launched.

Epoch 119,090 sealed the agreement around 19:00 UTC, with more than two thirds of validators that validated the network. A time is a period of time in which a specific number of blocks in the block chain is completed.

The purpose, which blocks transactions irreversibly within two epochs, or approximately 13 minutes, had been absent since February 24 due to a configuration error in the client software, not the tong update itself.

Restoration efforts in recent weeks allowed this recovery. Developers are now stabilizing nodes and pruning former states to completely revive the test network for sirting tests.

The sepolia Testnet, which also executes sirty, achieved the purpose but then faced empty blocks of a defective deposit contract. An attacker exploded this by sending Token zero transfers, said Ethereum Developers, a problem solved later by customer equipment.

The pein update introduces key improvements, such as gas payments in tokens that are not ET, the abstraction of the account and the highest limits.

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