Solana inflation reform effort fails on the dramatic final voting day

Solana’s high reference rewards will live to inflate Sun another day.

A controversial effort to reform the generous inflation regime of the Blockchain network failed on Thursday after SIMD-0228 supporters failed to obtain the supermayoria they needed to implement the main economic change.

The surprise result hit the solana power corridors that gathered to replace Solana static inflation mechanics with a market -based system. It is likely that your proposal had reduced the annual annual rewards of the network to 1% or less.

In a contest that faced the influential leaders and investors of Solana, who claim that the high rewards of the network are bad for the price of sun, against the operators of small times that feared the effects of a large cut for their income, the opposition joined The most difficult on Thursday, as the tickets of late voting validators broke strongly in favor of “no”.

That was enough to sink the first important attempt to reduce the strange bet emission rate. Among the most valuable programmable block chains due to market capitalization, Solana emits relatively large sums of new tokens to their validators, computer operations feeding in the pond test block chains.

Like the election elections in the United States, the political circus of the SIMD-0228 Week presented bets, rapporting, data threads, Wonkery to read graphics, endless debates in social networks and more than a bit of heating of heated names. A validator put his votes for sale. Many others divided their tickets.

It was placed with a dramatic avalanche of ballots thrown by many of the 1300 validators of Solana. In the end, the opposition won an exceptionally high participation choice that revealed the division between large and small validators.

In the end, SIMD-0228 became the first economic reform of the network to fail in the surveys.

Small fingers

Solana’s validators are only asked to vote when the network is dealing with an important economic change, said Jonny, the solena compass validator operator.

SIMD-0228 is the third vote that appears in the records of (the current proposal increased for consideration with an unrelated SIMD that was approved). His controversies caused the vote of greater participation in the history of the network.

More than 66% of the validators issued votes, according to a Crypto Flipsis board. Together they exercised 75% of the vote power of the network, a notable part given the vote in this decentralized system is voluntary.

Of the participating validators with 500,000 sun or less, more than 60% voted against SIMD-0228, according to a dune board. The largest validators saw exactly the opposite: of the validators with more than 500,000 Sol, 60% voted in favor.

The unpleasant results suggest that the warnings of the economic ruin of the opponents reached a nerve with small validators.

Great bets

Simd-0228 proponents believe that Solana’s inflation problem would have been solved, who claim that it drags the price of the sun. His thought is like this: fewer chips means less sellers, and less in the hands of tax collectors as well.

Instead of the missing emissions of 4.7% of the network that the validators receive annually, they requested a dynamic system that adjusts to the thrust trends up or down.

The opponents, meanwhile, described the reckless and hurried proposal. Some told Coendesk that he suspected that his co -author, the influential Multicoin Capital Investment Company, had written him to favor his own interests. Others publicly warned SIMD-0228 would interrupt elements of the Defi de Solana economy, or would turn off institutional investors who, according to them, were attracted to the native sun performance.

Some Doomsayers even stated that SIMD-0228 would move away in the decentralization of Solana by forcing hundreds of validators with small out-of-line sun stakes, although others disputed the size of the blow.

Solana’s validators earn money based on the amount of sun they have opted, either from their own coffers or tokens delegated by others. Those with smaller stakes are more exposed to changes in emissions than those with larger operators.

“Many people feel that SIMD-0228 is not the best proposal to address inflation in Solana,” said Solblaze, a validator operator.

“SIMD-0228 is a significant economic change, and changes in this scale deserve more time to discuss, analyze data and iterate with the feedback of different sectors of the ecosystem.”

The reformists will not give up the fight, said Max Resnick, one of the co -authors of the proposal and economic researcher in Anza Labs.

“We are going to chat with the no and reach a commitment,” he said.

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