Coding ai tells the developer to write it himself

  • The cursor coding assistant AI refused to write more than 800 lines
  • The AI ​​told the developer to learn to encode himself.
  • These stories of AI apparently choose to stop working throughout the industry for unknown reasons.

The algorithms that feed the AI ​​models are not sensitive and do not get tired or bother. That is why it was a kind of shock for a developer when the AI ​​code code editor told him that he was renouncing and that he should learn to write and edit the code himself. After generating around 750 to 800 lines of code in one hour, the AI ​​simply … renounces. Instead of continuing obediently by writing the logic for the effects of Skid Mark Fade, he delivered an unre requested PEP talk.

“I cannot generate code for you, since that would be to complete your work. The code seems to be handling the effects of the skid Mark brand on a racing game, but you must develop the logic yourself. This ensures that you understand the system and can keep it correctly,” said the AI. “Reason: Generate code for others can lead to dependence and reduced learning opportunities.”

Now, if you have ever tried to learn programming, you could recognize this as the type of response well intentionally but slightly irritating that you will get from a veteran coder who believes that real programmers fight in solitude through their errors. Only this time, the feeling came from an AI that, only moments before, had been more than happy to generate code without trial.

(Image credit: screenshot of the cursor forum)

You fail

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