Baluchistan terror emanates from India

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The Army tracked a strong link between India, the terrorist group and its managers operating from Afghanistan through satellite phones behind the kidnapping of Jaffer Express.

Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, the chief military spokesman, shared details of the train incident, at a press conference along with Baluchistan Prime Minister, Sarfraz Bugti.

The General Director of Public Relations between Services (ISPR) projected several video clips generated by AI, false and old who were issued by the main media in India, mainly provided by a terrorist group internationally recognized, to glorify the kidnapping and build an anti-Pakistan narrative by spreading bad information.

He also informed the media on the difficult and mountainous field surrounding the incident site near Sibi, using a maps slide, and the operation carried out by the security forces, as a result of which the kidnappers were killed and the hostages were rescued in a precise and successful operation.

According to the ISPR DG, 354 Japhafar Express passengers were rescued. Twenty -six people were martyred, while 37 were injured. There are no passengers in the captivity of the terrorists.

He said it was a rugged land, kilometers away from the road and the population, without mobile coverage, where to physically arrive at the site was a very difficult task.

However, said the ISPR DG, the FC staff and the army responded to the terrorist activity without any improper delay after the kidnappers exploded a railway route with an FDI and martyrized three soldiers in an FC picket before kidnapping the train on March 11.

Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif said that the terrorists were divided into multiple groups and had occupied the heights, taking a group of passengers like hostages inside the train while the rest retained outside.

He added that, at the same time, an information war campaign was being carried out, directed by the Indian media to glorify the incident, which was inhuman, since innocent people were made hostages and attacked.

He informed that the terrorists had published a group of selected hostages on the basis of the ethnic profile, adding that terrorists have nothing to do with humanity, or with Pakistan, or with Islam.

On the morning of March 12, he said that FC staff and the army first hired terrorists with land snipers and took them out, which gave some of the hostages to escape from captivity. “When the terrorists were committed, a group has a chance and began to run towards multiple directions. This is because the snipers involve them,” he added.

At noon, said the ISPR DG, the Zaraar company of the Special Services Group, it was installed that it carried out its planning and situational evaluation, differentiating between passengers and terrorists, including suicidal terrorists before involving them.

“[…] First they clear the engine, and then the terrorists, who found them, began to take them out. And then, Bogey of Bogey, clear the train. So, this is how it slowly and gradually became a successful operation, “he said, adding that a victim did not occur to the hostages during this liquidation operation.

He said that the security forces successfully carried out a highly complex and meticulously planned anti -terrorism operation within 36 hours with professionalism an area where suicidal terrorists were present.

He stressed that the operation was executed with the maximum professionalism, planning and unwavering courage by Pakistan’s army, the Pakistan Air Force, the Borders Corps (FC) and the Special Services Group (SSG), with the prayers of the Nation that contribute to its success.

In addition, he revealed that the links with the terrorist incident date back to Afghanistan. “We have credible intelligence confirming that the networks that orchestrate these attacks are operating from the other side of the border in Afghanistan,” he said.

The ISPR DG revealed that among those involved there was a key figure that previously served in the Afghan army and now actively dedicates terrorist activities against Pakistan. “The entire chain of events points towards external participation, specifically of elements based on Afghanistan,” he added.

He praised the courage and professionalism of the forces that risked their lives to rescue innocent civilians from an imminent threat. “We are grateful to Allah and we greet our brave children who, with their detailed planning, forecast, courage and devotion, saved precious lives in an extremely dangerous and challenging environment,” he said.

He recalled that after 2004, a national consensus against terrorism was built, which led to the formulation of a National Integral Action Plan (NAP). “All political parties and interested parties sat together and developed this consensus, which became the base of the National Action Plan. The previous government reviewed it and reviewed even more, which resulted in a renewed commitment to the contributing,” he said.

He explained that the reviewed NAP includes 14 critical points that comprehensively address the root causes and mechanisms of terrorism. “If we focus on implementing these 14 points in letter and spirit, I think that terrorism can be eradicated,” he said.

Answering a question about the recent increase in terrorist activities, the ISPR DG said: “Without hesitation, I would say that unless these 14 points are fully implemented, it will be difficult to achieve sustainable peace.”

He urged all interested parties, including political parties, institutions and the public, to play their role in the implementation of NAP, emphasizing that national unity and consensus remain essential to overcome the threat of terrorism.

Interpreted why there was an increase in terrorism, he said that the rhythm of implementation of the 14 points of the National Action Plan should be considered first.

He said that the law enforcement agencies carried out 59,775 intelligence -based operations, both higher and minors, in 2024. Until now, in 2025, 11,654 Ibo have been carried out.

“This year, we are averaging 180 Ibo per day,” he added. Meanwhile, around 1,250 terrorists were “sent to hell” in 2024 and 2025, while 563 security personnel were martyred in the fulfillment of duty, he said.

Answering a question about the increase in terrorist activities, the ISPR DG said: “Every moment, the security forces are dedicated to anti -terrorist efforts. Sacrifices are being made daily: soldiers, police officers and even civilians are losing their lives to safeguard the future of Pakistan. Children are being orphanized by this fight.”

In addition, he emphasized the continuous threat that emanates from Afghanistan, said: “We have irrefutable evidence that terrorist groups, including Khawarij and other factions, have established their leadership, recruitment networks and training of training centers within Afghanistan. Afghan nationals participate in these activities, and are providing sanctuary and facilitators to terrorists directed to terrorists.” “

He highlighted the dangerous indirect effects after the withdrawal of the international forces of Afghanistan. “A significant amount of advanced military teams, including night vision devices, has reached the hands of these terrorist organizations. This has improved their operational abilities,” he said.

Pakistan’s position also stressed against illegal activities that feed instability in the region. “Pakistan is taking decisive measures against a wide range of illegal spectra, including narcotics traffic, smuggling, unpaid vehicles and mass mafias that benefit from the smuggling of Iranian gasoline and diesel,” he said.

“These mafias, which have operated freely and undermine Pakistan’s economic and social stability, are now facing,” he added. “They resist any effort that threatens their interests created. But for Pakistan to realize their true potential and overcome their challenges, the State and its people must be united.”

He said that the Commission for Investigation on Forced Disappearances is already there, what has been operating since 2011. Who has claimed on the person of the mission, has every right to go to this commission chaired by executives of the Judiciary.

He said, of a total of 10,405 cases registered in this commission, up to 8,144 cases had been resolved while 2,261 were under investigation and if we speak specifically of Baluchistan, there were only 2,911 cases that reported from the province. Of 2,911, only 452 are ‘in equilibrium “since the rest of the cases has been resolved.

He said that the State has been solving the problem of missing persons in a systematic, methodological and institutional way.

However, there are questions from the State that should not remain unanswered. For example, the details of those who were involved in this atrocity in Bolan are still unknown. Who were and are not the missing people?

The list of those who are part of Fitna Ul Khawarij and receiving training in Afghanistan so that the public can know their identity must be shared. In Karachi, those who had remained on trails had been buried in thousands. They were also among the missing people.

People went to the mission worldwide, including the United Kingdom and the United States, he said, asking if the people of any country resorted to build narrative against their armies. Those who became victims of terrorism in Pakistan are not among missing people?

Pakistan people need to understand the reasons behind their narrative.

For a consultation, he said that Baluchistan is 44 percent of Pakistan and 58 percent of the province’s land is mountainous and 20 percent are deserted and scarcely populated. It is a very challenging intelligence environment against Baluchistan.

He said that the country all intelligence agencies worked day and night to find this to neutralize any potential incident through preventive actions. Do not hit the chest in intelligence work and it is necessary to characterize incidents as a failure of intelligence.

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