Lady Gaga ‘Mayhem’ album causes chaos in the music list

Lady Gagas Mayhem Mayhem's album on the music list
Lady Gaga ‘Mayhem’ album causes chaos in the music list

Lady Gaga’s last album, ViolenceIt is literally causing chaos in the Billboard 200 table, since it is at the top, giving the seventh not the Oscar winner. 1 album.

According The Hollywood ReporterThe album opened with 219,000 units, 108.05 million transmissions and 136,000 traditional sales.

The last album also marked the A star is born The fifth consecutive individual album of the actress to head the album list.

In other news, Lady accredited her fiance Michael Polanski for encouraging her to make music.

“‘I am very, as, I also appreciate that my partner, like him, you know, the first years we were together, I was not in the studio and when he saw me start making music,” said Bloody Mary’s successes Mary to Iheartradio The Curcurists podcast.

“He said:” Oh my God, I’ve never seen you happier than when you’re doing music. ”

She continued: “I felt very seen for that and I think why it is so important to me is when you grow in the public eye, as you know, there are things that grow from you, but there are things that do not know about you.”

“As if they did not know that it is so, perhaps in a deep reflection at home working on something, they know those who face you outside,” added the 38 -year -old.

“So it really feels good to be seen by someone for what you do just make you special. That is your gift, right? Like what the world doesn’t see,” Lady concluded.

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