Sugar prices should not exceed RS164 after the warning of the PCCH: give

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The viceprimer Minister Ishaq Dar has declared that retail prices of sugar should not exceed 164 rupees per kilogram, after concerns about price manipulation in the sugar market.

The comments of giving occur after the Competition Commission of Pakistan (PCCH) warned Sugar Mills against participating in anti -competitive activities that could further inflate prices, said Express News.

During a press conference, Senator Dar declared that the prime minister had established a committee to address the issue of sugar prices.

Despite government efforts to maintain sugar prices at RS 130 per kg, retail prices in some markets have increased above RS 180 per kg, which has caused a significant concern among consumers.

Ishaq Dar explained that the government had held a night meeting to address the problem and find a way to ensure that the common citizen does not face prices between RS 180 and RS 200.

“We need to make sure that the common man can buy sugar at a reasonable price, but this requires a distribution channel and a mechanism of implementation,” said Dar, adding that a subcommittee, headed by the Minister of National Security and Research of Food Food Tanveer Hussain, would work until April 19 to review the situation and verify the claims of Sugar Mills on the price increases.

Dar also went to the Sales Tax of the Federal Income Board (FBR) on sugar, stating that RS 154 to 155 per kilogram would be charged, with a price limit established in RS 159.

He emphasized the importance of gathering intelligence reports together with the PCCH to monitor the situation and take the appropriate application actions.

Dar concluded that government efforts would focus on guaranteeing fair competition and protecting consumers from exploitation price increases.

The Deputy Prime Minister also assured the public that there would be no shortage of sugar in the country, and added that 274 public service markets were supplying sugar at a price of 130 rupees per kilogram. He confirmed that the sugar crisis would be avoided, if there is.

With respect to the next season of sugar crushing, DAR declared that the owners of sugar factories would begin to crush the time, and starting next year, the crushing season would begin from November 1. He warned that strict measures would be taken against those who violate the calendar.

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