Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur announced that 146 of the 200 people who went missing following the November 26 protests have been located, Express News reported.
Speaking to reporters outside the courtroom at Adiala Jail on Thursday, he said: “Only 54 people are still missing from the November 26 protest; initially there were 200, and 146 are now in prison on various charges.”
In an informal conversation, the KP CM also revealed that consultations had been held with the founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on the ongoing civil disobedience movement.
In addition, investigations are being carried out at both the ministerial and provincial levels into the victims and injuries during the protests.
Acknowledging the political turbulence, Gandapur said: “The current situation forces us to reconsider the future of Pakistan. I hope that political parties will reflect seriously and find a way forward. I continue to discuss these matters in meetings with my officials.”
He further stated that there were hopes of positive developments on both sides by December 21.