A gentleman of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, everything we know so far about the prequel game of HBO thrones

A gentleman of the seven kingdoms: key information

– The series will be based on George RR Martin’s Volinated and egg stories

– The show is a prequel to game of Thronesand established almost 100 years later Dragon House

– The filming took place for three months in June 2024, and was wrapped in September

– Peter Claffey will play Dunk / Be Duncan The Tall, and Dexter Sol Ansel will play egg / prince aegon targaryen

– The launch date has been confirmed by HBO as “Transmission in 2025”, while Martin believes “perhaps in autumn”

Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Coverage Knight It is the next HBO program based on George RR Martin’s novels.

When game of Thrones He left his kingdom of another world forever in May 2019, for better or worse, given that divisive end, he left a giant and dark hole in the form of fantasy in many of the legions of the fans.

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