In a recent speech, Chinese ambassador to Pakistan Jiang Zaidong described China’s vision for a multipolar world, underlining the need for equal treatment, equity and solidarity in global governance.
He stressed that the current global transformation, marked by the increase in geopolitical conflicts, the multiple crises and the growing disparities in peace, development and governance, has led the world to a critical situation.
According to Jiang, the concept of a multipolar world is not only an inevitability but also a reality in creation. He expressed China’s commitment to advocate a multipolar world that is not dominated by the main powers, but is based on principles of equality and inclusion.
The ambassador reiterated that China’s position promotes equal rights, opportunities and representation for all countries, regardless of their size, and underlines the importance of non -interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.
In addition, he emphasized the support of China to the Global South, stating that international affairs should no longer be monopolized by some powerful nations. The development and resources of the world, said Jiang, should be shared equitably among all countries, with an approach to achieving winning cooperation and mutual benefits.
China has constantly defended the rights and interests of the Global South, with President Xi Jinping advocating greater cooperation and unity between these nations.
Jiang also pointed out the importance of solidarity and coordination to address global challenges. In this context, China promotes an action -oriented approach that goes beyond narrow geopolitical interests and encourages cooperation.
This, he argued, is essential to respond to the most pressing problems in the world, since isolationist approaches such as protectionism and decoupling are counterproductive.