Every tech enthusiast has opinions on the latest gadgets and services, whether it’s a shiny new iPhone or a Netflix update, and now you can tell us exactly what you think. That’s because TechRadar now has a comments section, and we can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
The goal of our comments section is to become the best place to chat about the topics covered in the article. Excited by a rumor? Tell us. Do you have any questions about a new device? Ask us? Want to debate the merits of the Steam Deck vs Asus ROG Ally X? Go for it!
We only ask that you be respectful. We all like a good debate from time to time, but we never want it to turn into an argument for the sake of it, and there’s nothing wrong with agreeing with someone. That said, if a debate arises, we hope that everyone will approach it in a spirit of openness and tolerance.
Every time someone joins the comments section here on TechRadar They should find them welcoming and insightful. We want to build a community that you’ll be proud to recommend to others and we can only do it together.
So how to start?
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Community Guidelines
Our comments section is for thoughtful discussion on the topics of the articles. Together we are developing a space where people share your passion and where you can enjoy conversations built on a foundation of respect and common interests.
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Every time someone joins the comments section here on TechnologyRadar They should find them welcoming and insightful. We want to build a community that you’ll be proud to recommend to others and we can only do it together.
Please read our guidelines below to understand what is allowed and how our moderation system works.
Community Guidelines
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We look forward to building our comment community with all of you. We will actively work on the feedback system to make improvements and if you have any questions or comments about the system, please feel free to email us at [email protected]!