A characteristic story about Jackie Robinson’s military service briefly withdrew from the website of the Department of Defense on Tuesday before being restored on Wednesday afternoon.
While the story had been eliminated, the new URL, which had also included the letters “Dei”, directed readers to a 404 page.
The story, entitled “Sports Heroes that served: the great Jackie Robinson baseball was a soldier of World War II,” was launched on February 9, 2021, written by David Vergun. Other features in “sports heroes that served” include Bob Feller, Hoyt Wilhelm, Bob Uedker and many others.
Pak Gazette Digital contacted the Pentagon about the elimination of history and yes and the inclusion “Dei” in the URL was on purpose.
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A characteristic story about Jackie Robinson’s military service briefly withdrew from the website of the Department of Defense on Tuesday before being restored on Wednesday afternoon. (Photo by Bill Chaplis/AP)
The Pentagon did not say if it was done on purpose, but Pentagon’s press secretary, John Ullyot, launched the following statement to Pak Gazette Digital before the story was restored:
“All in the Department of Defense Aman to Jackie Robinson, as well as the speakers of the Navajo Code, to the aviators of Tuskegee, to the Marines of Iwo Jima and so many others: we greet them for their strong and in many cases Heroic Service to our country, what we stop. War mission as always another American who has used the uniform.
“Dei: The ideology of discriminatory equity does the opposite. It is a form of alarm cultural Marxism that divides force, erodes the cohesion of unity and interferes with the central combat mission of services.
“We are pleased to comply with the entire department with the directive Eliminate content from all platforms. In the rare cases that the content is eliminated, either deliberately or by mistake, which is beyond the clearly described scope of the directive, we instruct the components and correct the content to recognize our heroes for their service dedicated together with their fellow citizens, the period. “

Robinson was recruited in the army five years before breaking the color barrier of the major baseball leagues in 1947 and was honorably discharged in 1944 after serving as second lieutenant during World War II. (Keystone/Getty images)
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When asked again if the acts were done on purpose, the Pentagon declined more comments.
In a separate statement to ESPN, Ullyot said that Dei “is dead in the Department of Defense. The ideology of discriminatory equity is a form of awakened cultural Marxism that does not take place in our military.”
Last month, the Pentagon requested an “update of digital content” that “would eliminate and archive news articles, photos and videos that promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).”
Robinson was recruited in the army five years before breaking the color barrier of the major baseball leagues in 1947 and was honorably discharged in 1944 after serving as second lieutenant during World War II. His number 42 was removed throughout baseball in 1997.

Trump announced plans to build a Robinson statue in the National Garden of American Heroes. (Hulton Archive/Getty images)
Trump announced plans to build a Robinson statue, along with Muhammad Ali and Kobe Bryant, in the National Garden of American Heroes.