A post-mortem examination of Dr Shahnawaz Kumbhar, accused of blasphemy and allegedly murdered in custody in Mirpurkhas, has revealed that four ribs were broken while he was still alive.
This shocking revelation comes from the team of doctors who performed the autopsy, as recorded in their testimony recorded by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).
The agency also took note of the version of an official of a private company providing vehicle tracking services of the Sindh Police to determine the location of the police vehicles that were involved in the alleged encounter in which the police claimed to have killed to Kumbhar.
The statements of Professor Dr Waheed Ali Nahiyo, Associate Professor Dr Abdul Samad, Assistant Professor Dr Abdul Raheel Khan and Police Surgeon Dr Muhammad Waseem Khan have been recorded in connection with an investigation by the FIA.
The post-mortem examination revealed that five of Dr Kumbhar’s ribs were broken and four of the fractures occurred while he was still alive.
This disturbing finding suggests that Dr Kumbhar was tortured by the Mirpurkhas police.