Fawad Chaudhry wants political forces to solve the problem of Baluchistan

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Former federal minister Fawad Chaudhry declared that the establishment has not been able to solve the problem of Baluchistan and now should deliver it to the political forces.

In statements to the media in the Superior Court of Lahore (LHC), Fawad Chaudhry stressed that the in progress in Baluchistan is one of the largest tragedies in the country, with 120 people who are still missing. He stressed that Baluchistan is not part of any political party and has been under the control of the establishment for a prolonged period.

Chaudhry also suggested that the establishment should give up control over the issue of Baluchistan and return it to political parties.

He also asked President Asif Ali Zardari to convene a conference for all parties, ensuring the participation of the founder of PTI Imran Khan, stating that the conference could not succeed without their participation.

“Baluchistan is not under the control of any political party, he has been in the hands of the establishment for a long time. As they have not been able to solve their problems, it is time to return it to political leadership, ”he said.

Chaudhry urged President Asif Ali Zardari to convene a conference from all parties to go to the Baluchistan crisis.

He stressed that the main opposition figure of Pakistan must be able to participate, saying: “Without the opposition leader, such a conference will not make sense.”

In addition, he asked the main political leaders, including Nawaz Sharif, Shehbaz Sharif, Zardari and the opposition leader, to join and assume the joint responsibility of solving Baluchistan’s problems.

“The whole nation must join. If we do not act now, the situation could get out of control, ”he warned.

Meanwhile, Chaudhry appeared in court on cases linked to the disturbances of May 9. A bank of two members of the Superior Court of Lahore listened to requests on four separate cases filed against him in Faisalabad.

His lawyers argued that they had not provided copies of complementary charges or evidence, which affirmed that it was a violation of the legal procedure.

The Court issued notices to all parties and ordered the Court of First Instance to file records before March 20.

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