Gemini Deep’s research became even more intelligent and is now free for everyone to try, here is why you should try it

  • Gemini’s research tool is obtaining a great update to 2.0 Flash Thinking Experimental
  • Deep research will now be even better to reason, analyze and inform
  • Gemini Deep Research is now free, with advanced users obtaining expanded access

Google announced today that its fantastic Gemini Deep research tool is becoming even smarter with an experimental update Flash 2.0 Thinking. Gemini’s research tool will not only be even better, but also becoming completely free to try, which allows users around the world to take advantage of the smartest AI analysis software.

Google says that the update “improves Gemini’s abilities at all stages of research, from planning and search for reasoning, analysis and reports, creating higher quality reports and several pages that are more detailed and insightful.” You will also see that Gemini shows his thoughts while sailing on the web, which allows him to monitor exactly what is being investigated in real time.

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