Marvel rivals Crosshairs can be adjusted to adapt to the hero you are interpreting, with hitscan characters such as Luna Snow and Hela that adapt to a different type of grid compared to projectile characters such as Mantis and Moon Knight.
While this additional personalization level will not be necessary for everyone, it can really help if you plan to assume Marvel rivals Classified mode. The high quality of the competitive modes of the game definitely highlights it of its competitors and is one of the main reasons why it has already landed in our best list of Cross Play games.
This is what you need to know about the sights in Marvel rivals including information on how to change the look, as well as a selection of the best codes to import to Marvel rivals .
How to change your Marvel rivals
(Image credit: netease)
To change your look at Marvel Rivals, you just need to press Pause and then select the following:
Select “Configuration”
Move up to “controller” or “keyboard”
Select “Combat”
Move down to “hud”
You will see options related to the grid, this is where you will customize your sight
A configuration to consider is the “Save Reticle” option. This allows you to save different sights, which can then be changed for each hero. To customize the configuration for a specific hero, simply select “all the heroes” in the upper left corner, and then change the hero to which he wishes to apply new configurations.
How to import Marvel Rivals Crosshairs
(Image credit: Netease Games)
To import the look in Marvel rivals Simply navigate to the HUD configuration according to the previous section. Once there, look for the “Reticle Save” option, with an drop -down menu that allows you to add new saves. Once you select this, you will get the option to import a code, if you are playing on PC. Unfortunately, the import of the sights is not available on the console.
Miron color codes are long chains of numbers shared by other creators. Simply copy them and péguelos when the game asks for an import code. This will automatically apply the correct configuration, which will allow you to test other people’s recommended reticles.
Marvel Rivals Codes Crosshairs
(Image credit: netease)
The first crosshair code we are seeing is for Venom Mains, a character focused on the diving game, with a medium -range tentacle attack such as the main fire. The following code comes from the creator of Ares content, and can see its complete breakdown in this YouTube video.
Venom Crosshair (Ares): 2; 0.0;; 100,0,100,0,100,0,100.0;; 100,0,100,0,100,0,100.0;;, 45.0; 20.0; 100,0,100,0,100,0,100.0; 45.0; 5,5,5,5;;
(Image credit: netease)
The next is Hela, who really benefits from a knitted spot style. This is to make shots in the head and get rid of unnecessary visual elements. For this look, simply select the “DOT” option for the type of grid. Then you can adjust the width of the point, but we recommend 12. From there, try some different colors. We went with light blue.
Image 1 of 2
A knitted grid can be very effective for Hela, which throws hitscan dagas, doing massive harm.
(Image credit: netease)
Now, there is a large set of sights for the punisher. We obtained this from the rivals of Marvel Merchant, who has a lot of excellent recommendations for the best look to use according to his hero. This YouTube video is particularly detailed, explaining the reasoning behind this view option for Punisher.
The Punisher (The Marvel Rivals Merchant): 4; 0.0;; 100,0,;; 100,0,100,0,100,0,100.0;;, 33.0; 11.0; 100,0,; 0.0; 5,5,5,2; 0.0,1.0,1.0;
Marvel rivals frequent questions
(Image credit: Netease games)
What color should my sight be?
Changing the color of your sight can be really useful in Marvel rivals . We recommend starting with a light or green blue, although, of course, this will depend on your specific view and preferences. There is a lot of customization here, which makes it an excellent additional piece of accessibility for those who seek to make the readability of the game a little better.
Can you import views on the console?
Unfortunately, you can’t import view codes if you’re playing Marvel rivals In the console. This could change in the future, but for now, the codes are simply too long to be copied by using a controller. PC players can copy them and paste them, although we hope that the developer Netease adds a specific console solution in the future.
Should I change to my Marvel rivals spots?
If you want to change your Marvel rivals Crosshairs really depends on how deeply you want to enter Marvel rivals . If you are often playing, and you tend to continue with two or three heroes, add custom views for each one can really help. Some views, for example, will help you see if an enemy is inside the reach, while others can help land shots in the head.
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