How to filling the father’s role made Mathira stronger than any man

In a recent interview with a local channel, television presenter, model and mother of the first three Mathira opened on the pressures and traumas he faced while sailing as a mother after his divorce in 2018. He melted the light on the force in which she. found in their children.

Mathira said that his three children have been their greatest source of support, describing how he had to adopt maternal and paternal roles in his education. She explained: “When the relationship with the father strives completely, it depends on the mother to assume the role of man. Being a man, for a woman who is not her job. But when he becomes a man, he becomes stronger than a man. ”

The model also highlighted the double standard present in society, pointing out the marked differences in how single mothers and fathers are perceived. “When a single mother does something, instead of praising her, they wonder how many others were behind the scene that helped her. When a man does something good, we appreciate him, but when a woman runs a home, there are too many accusations against her, ”Mathira said. She added moving: “It becomes very difficult and then it cannot be a good mother or assume the role of a father.”

He also revealed the severe depression he experienced after his third pregnancy, a struggle that society ignored to a large extent, occasionally ashamed and discarded as insignificant. “I think people are now receiving education that depression exists, as postpartum depression, and hormones,” he said, emphasizing the need for greater understanding of mental health problems.

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