James Cameron generates suspense for ‘Avatar 3’

James Cameron generates suspense for ‘Avatar 3’

James Cameron is giving Avatar fans a heads up for the upcoming third sequel.

The Oscar-winning director, 70, dropped some hints Wednesday during a recent interview with Empire Magazine.

“It’s kind of complicated,” Cameron said when asked what to expect from the series’ latest installment. Avatar franchise.

“We could be getting high from our own supply here, and anyone who looks at it [the new film] He says, ‘Fuck, that’s not what I signed up for.’ “

“But if you don’t make brave decisions, you’re wasting everyone’s time and money,” he continued, adding, “That alone isn’t enough to achieve success, but it’s necessary. You have to break the mold every time.”

The veteran filmmaker also warned that some settings in the upcoming sequel may take audiences to “places they don’t expect,” but added that those places “will feel earned.”

“We have some really smart action scenes,” he told the outlet. “You can get your blood pumping in this movie. But what excites me as an artist who recently turned 70 and who has done all that is not only the opportunity to do it again, but also to reach a level of character and intrigue that you haven’t seen before in a Avatar movie.”

Cameron also gave an insider’s look at the production stage and said the film is in “good shape.”

“We have doubled the number of finished shots in this stage of the game than in film two. [and] The movies are approximately the same length. “That puts us way ahead of the curve, which, frankly, I’ve never experienced before.”

“We’re getting to the point where we’re really getting good at this,” he said, laughing.

Avatar 3: Fires and Ashes It is scheduled to hit theaters on December 19, 2025.

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