Johnny Depp recalls that Hollywood left him ‘super paranoid’

Johnny Depp recalls that Hollywood left him 'super paranoid
Johnny Depp recalls that Hollywood left him ‘super paranoid’

Johnny Depp has just remembered how he handled fame.

When the famous 61 -year -old actor admitted to being “completely scared” for fame, he recalled the initial struggles he suffered to deal with pressures to become one of Hollywood’s most successful celebrities.

During his appearance in the documentary series without a title of four parts of Tara Wood about Tim Burton, Johnny declared: “People would whisper and point out their finger and things. I felt like this raw nerve on display.”

He also explained how “related at many levels” with the acclaimed director, Tim Burton, after having worked on films that include, which include, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow and Charlie and the chocolate factory.

“What I noticed the first time we met was that I wasn’t saying many words. [Tim] I would start a prayer and I would go ‘Oh yes’, and then we would talk about Boris Karloff or something. We interact at many levels, “he said.

However, Johnny spoke about his “blow” the 1990 fantasy film, Edward Scissorhands, a plot through its creation.

He mentioned: “I was chosen in the movie, but I was entering a kind of family in which I had not yet taken me totally.”

“I was absolutely convinced that I was blowing it. Tim had rehearsed everyone else in the cast. Everyone. Not me. He did not rehearse. I was excluding me from the cast and crew, isolating me,” Johnny explained, remembering that Tim’s approach had left him “Uber Paranoic.”

“It was scary. I was super paranoid. Why is it [Tim] Don’t you assign me? Maybe he trusts me. No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t trust you, what are you crazy? He is going to launch someone else, man, “Johnny Depp confessed.

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