Live GEMINI support from Google TV and other updates apparently confirmed by the new user survey: this is what you should expect

  • Google is asking enthusiastic users to choose their favorite characteristics descriptions
  • The approach is in the environmental information of the screenshot and gemini live on Google TV
  • No details of the launch date or the availability of the device still

Google has been testing the waters to obtain some new interesting characteristics of Google TV, and as a result it reveals a lot about the updates that reach a Google television or a streamer near you.

Everything is happening on the Google TV Advisors Club, which was launched at the end of 2024 to obtain comments from Google TV users. And his first specific survey of club users asked users with help “trying to discover the clearest way to describe some new and exciting features.”

So what has been cooking Google?

The updates are likely to reach the Google TV transmitter, as well as (Image credit: Google)

What features has been asking Google to users?

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