Male practice player in the female basketball team trapped at stake

According to the LEDger, a male practice player in the women’s basketball team at Mississippi State University violated the NCAA rules by betting on sports while participating with the program, according to the LEDGer of Clarion.

According to the reports, the player placed six bets from September 28 to 30 worth $ 10 in total at the NFL and university football games. The player made no bet related to his own university team or basketball, according to the records obtained by the departure. According to the reports, he began working for the team four days before making the bets.

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According to the reports, the player placed six bets from September 28 to 30 worth $ 10 in total at the NFL and university football games. (Ethan Miller/Getty images)

In response, the university has increased its education sports rules for all male practice players and now requires that you sign a recognition form.

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“Our compliance office does a very complete job when they routinely educate all staff and students athletes about sports bets,” said a spokesman for the Athletics Department to Clarion Ledger. (Dylan Buell/Getty Images)

According to the reports, the player has deactivated his sports betting account.

The SEC has not imposed additional sanctions, according to Clarion’s main book.

“Our compliance office does a very complete job when they routinely educate all staff and students athletes about sports bets,” said a spokesman for the Athletics Department to Clarion Ledger. “We also have a good system for monitoring. This process/system allowed us to identify and address that specific and adequate way.”

Pak Gazette Digital has communicated with the state of Mississippi to comment.

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