Massive web adoption via the internet self -shock

Today, hundreds of millions of people have bitcoin and other chips housed in blockchains worth trillion dollars.

However, more and more, Blockchains houses much more than the chips. In fact, Blockchains is our future technological battery, and they can also house sophisticated web applications, which live completely in the layers, as are the chips. These applications are completely implemented from the Network Resident Code (that is, the smart contract software and its evolutions).

This has great potential: by the end of 2025, more than 5 billion people will have smartphones connected to the Internet with web browsers. So what could lead them to create and use web applications totally in layers, which can have a functionality of web3 without problems?

I believe that a new blockchain revolution is imminent, thanks to the advance of AI and “self-writing” application technology.

This is related to an important emerging trend called “environments coding”. Vibe’s coding involves software engineers who use tools with integrated that can write and fix the software code in their name, which makes them much more productive.

The self-reduction applications paradigm carries this much further, allowing non-technical users to believe, possess and update applications simply by instructing AI on the chat. For reasons that I will explain, Blockchain is in a unique position to help bring this revolutionary functionality to the world.

In the future, an individual can create a personal brand website, or something like a personalized wedding planning application for a family member to marry, just talking to AI. An entrepreneur without technical personnel or money can create a new type of electronic commerce website, or create a shared economy application with web3 RAILS. And, a company can create sophisticated CRM functionality, for an infinitally small fraction of the investment in time and money that is currently required. Everything just speaking, without the need for software or systems administration engineering skills.

In this new development paradigm, everyday users will issue instructions for AI through the chat, and simply update their web browser moments later to interact with their new or updated application.

Applications that live in blockchains have a series of valuable features. They are sovereign and resistant to censorship, because they live in a public network, they are manipulations proof, which means they are safe without depending on cybersecurity, incredibly resistant and can perfectly integrate the powerful web3 functionalities because they live in the chain.

In addition, Blockchain Technology solves important problems involved with the construction of solo in traditional IT.

For example, the code that is executed in traditional should be written carefully to avoid the introduction of security holes, and the entire platform is sensitive to safety configurations, from cloud accounts, to operating systems that are executed in instances in the cloud such as Linux, to platform software housed as databases and web servers. This means that traditional IT infrastructure must often be protected even more by cybersecurity systems, such as Firewalls and Anti-Malware. Switching by error, and backup and restoration are another concern, and service providers must be trusted.

Trusting the AI ​​to build only in the traditional is exaggerated, because even a single error can lead to a cyber attack that results in the exfiltration of data or the ransomware encryption data.

Block chains make it much easier to build only in many different ways. For example, the blockchains host resident of the network is “without server”, greatly simplifying the coding tasks that AI should perform, which allows the code to occur faster. In the Internet computer network, the code can also serve interactive web experiences directly to end users, and can store and process massive amounts of data efficiently, and even use to build things as a social network totally in the chain (for example, or an important business application.

In Dfinity, we believe a great believer in self-writing applications that are executed in public blockchains, which we call “Editorial Internet”, and we have been developing support technologies for some years.

In order for self-reduction applications to reach their maximum potential, it must be possible not only for users to create them, but also to continue updating and improving them in production, so that they can speak until they have what they need or an optimal design. Unless users can continue to update the applications that are executed in production, the total market addressed by the auto-reducer application paradigm will reach only a small fraction of its tremendous potential.

Dfinity has been developing a programming language frame called Motoko for use by AI, as well as humans. When a user updates an application by adding or changing functionality, the AI ​​must also describe how to update the data structure within the application, so that none is lost. When the AI ​​tries to install an update, the frame can detect if an error has been made that would cause even a small amount of data is lost unintentionally, so that I can ask the AI ​​to try again.

We believe that Internet self-writing will democratize and decentralize blockchain technology, and we are excited that a new platform called Caffeine.AI will soon be launched. Simply interacting with caffeine through the chat, users will create, possess and update sovereign applications on the Internet computer, and the world’s computers in a broader way, which for us is the amalgamation of all block chains that can house tokens and smart contract software.

In the future, it will be possible to say “to build a Google Personal photos, which I can share with my family and friends, where we can add comments and reactions of emoji to the photos”, or “build a system of remittances so that I can pay my international contractors using Stablcoins.”

In blockchains, human imagination, instead of technical skills, will be more and more the limit when creating web applications. The unlocked utility will promote Blockchain’s mass adoption, although often users may not be aware that Blockchain is behind their experiences that change the game.

For a long time I have talked about a “blockchain singularity” that occurs where decentralized networks become an important new technological pile. I think that’s how we get there, and the future is almost here.

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