Meghan Markle pressurized to deliver ‘value for money’ to Netflix

Meghan Markle faces a “hard world” when he starts launching his Netflix program.

The Duchess of Sussex, who is anxious to share her cooking skills with fans in the Gigante of the G trans transmission, is told that this is a brand or rest movement for her.

The real author, Hugo Vickers, tells The Sun: “She is forced to be attacked because people want to attack her, and perhaps, they are also jumping into the car.”

“A company like Netflix wants value for money … they have to deliver,” he continued.

Speaking about Meghan’s future, Vickers added: “I suspect that if it does not work, then it will be eliminated as everything else, because that is what happens in the commercial world. You sink or swim. It is a difficult world out there.

“I think you have to find substance in the end, and it will be interesting to see what kind of substance this program produces,” he said.

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