Microsoft Crowbars New ‘Recommendations’ for PC The game passes in Windows 11, so disclify me while I start overcoming my anti-publicity drum (again)

  • Windows 11 has a new advertisement for PC Game Pass in the tests
  • Offers the ability to give up to five friends a free 14 -day test
  • Microsoft does not seem to be renouncing with a broader impulse to obtain this type of ‘suggestions’ in its desktop operating system

Windows 11 is experiencing even more experimentation with ads, this time in the configuration application (again), since leading users with “specific” suggestions “of one type or another seems to be a habit with which Microsoft is not going to give up soon.

The new announcement, or ‘recommendation’ as Microsoft could call it, is present in the last construction of preview of Windows 11 launched in the development and beta channels, which means that it is still in tests for now.

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