- Verdansk returns to War cannon April 3
- The classic map has been rebuilt by Besoox
- It will have reviewed images, including better lighting
Favorite map of Verdansk fans will finally return to Call of Duty: Warzone And it looks absolutely impressive.
The Besx Development team, the study that directs the updated version of the classic environment, has released a new Intel Drop video that shows it and explains part of the work that has been dedicated to it.
“It is rebuilt from scratch to recover the original Battle Royale experience, but now it has new impressive textures [and] Improved images, “explained the artist of the Simon Duschense environment.
“We really wanted to maintain this feeling of nostalgic and at the same time update it with new technology,” he added.
Although it may not seem that it has changed a lot, when comparing this new truth with the old environments, it is clear that there have been some massive updates plus some small changes in its design.
Lighting is greatly improved, with significantly more realistic shadows and textures that now appear in a much higher resolution.
That said, some fans do not seem too excited with the news. “We need ancient feelings, old movement, old ttk, old game. Not only [the] Map, “said a YouTube commentator.” Another added “unfortunately it will not be the same.”
Several players also seem skeptical about the reliability of the anti-treatment systems of the game. “Invest in a better anti-treatment or none of this” is currently one of the best qualified comments under the video.
Verdansk returns to Call of Duty: Warzone April 3. The game is now available as a free title in PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and PC.