As the clock struck midnight, marking the beginning of 2025, celebrations began across the country, following the global festivities. Pakistan’s major cities came alive with fireworks that lit up the skies, casting a vibrant glow as citizens gathered to welcome the new year.
The air was filled with excitement as people celebrated, hoping that the coming year would bring new milestones of progress and development for both the nation and its people.
In anticipation of a year full of growth, communities across Pakistan organized a variety of events, including musical nights and fireworks displays.
A highlight of the celebrations took place at the Governor’s House in Karachi, where an attempt was made to set a world record for the longest fireworks display. Governor Kamran Tessori announced that the display would last 40 minutes and that large crowds would gather to witness the spectacular event.
Meanwhile, heightened security measures were implemented across the country, and authorities closely monitored public safety. Police issued warnings about aerial firing, particularly in larger cities like Karachi, assuring citizens of strict legal action against any violators.