Pakistan national roads become completely digital with the M-Tag implementation

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Pakistan’s National Highway Authority (NHA) has officially announced the implementation of a 100% m TAG policy on all highways in the country, as of today, on February 1, 2025.

According to the official Associated Press News Agency of Pakistan (app), the NHA also decided to collect additional vehicle rates without M labels.

According to the NHA notification, vehicles with low balances or those that use cash tolls will incur an additional charge of 25% on the total tax, with a minimum RS50 rate.

Previously, in December 2021, the NHA had announced a deadline for the complete implementation of the M-Tag system, stating that vehicles without labels m would no longer be allowed to pass through the toll seats of the highways.

However, despite this, cash booths remained available on highways, allowing vehicles without M labels to pay the same toll rate as M-Tag users.

The complete implementation of the M-TAG policy aims to optimize the toll collection process and promote the use of electronic labels for a more efficient and faster trip in the Pakistan highway network.

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