Prince William publishes an emotional statement while reacting to the sad news

Prince William publishes an emotional statement while reacting to the sad news
Prince William publishes an emotional statement while reacting to the sad news

Prince William has published an emotional statement when the Prince of Wales reacted to the sad news.

The future king issued the emotional statement in his social media handles.

Prince William issued the statement to pay personal tribute to the last battle of Great Britain Pilot.

According AFPThe last surviving British pilot who fought in the battle of Great Britain during World War II has died at age 105, said the United Kingdom Royal Force.

John “Paddy” Hemingway “died peacefully” on Monday, said the RAF in a statement, describing his death as “the end of an era.”

He was among the pilots known as “the few” for his role in the 1940 seminal aerial battle that defended Great Britain.

When reacting to him, Prince William said: “I was sad to hear about the death of John ‘Paddy’ Hemingway this morning, the last of” The few. ”

“We owe Paddy a lot and his generation for our freedoms today.

Prince William publishes an emotional statement while reacting to the sad news

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