‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Author Kiyosaki Reacts to Bitcoin All-Time High with Tips and Warnings from PakGazette

PakGazette – The price of the leading cryptocurrency (BTC) continues its relentless upward march, updating all-time highs one by one and periodically letting down newcomers and overly greedy traders with bloody avalanches of multi-million dollar liquidations. However, the fact is that so far “the numbers are increasing.”

Thus, Robert Kiyosaki, the famous financial motivator and author of the bestseller “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, addressed the issue of BTC performance in his new post. In his post, Kiyosaki argues that as the price of Bitcoin rises, it is clear that the rich are getting even richer, as probably less than one in eight million people could write a check for $106,000 on the spot. .

Does this mean that only the rich who can afford the full Bitcoin in cash will get richer? the author asks. And when the price of Bitcoin rises? No, of course not, Kiyosaki argues.

That, in his opinion, is the genius of Bitcoin. Although all a person can afford is half a satoshi, the smallest division of BTC, the design of the cryptocurrency is democratic and allows even people who cannot write a check for the full $106,000 to have the same opportunity to get rich every more than those who can write a check for $106,000.

“The lesson… Bitcoin is democratic… pure design genius…” Kiyosaki reflects, however, he immediately warns not to delay and start getting rich today, that is, at least start buying satoshis, which they themselves, according to the author, may one day reach a price of $106,000.

While many can follow this advice however they want and follow Kiyosaki or reject it, it is difficult to argue with the fact that Bitcoin’s design is brilliant, with the ability to buy even one ten-thousandth of a piece.

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