SID MEIER’S CIVILIZATION 7 UPDATE 1.1.0 Finally prevents the leaders of the Territor with armies of explorers

  • Sid Meier’s Civilization 7 Update 1.1.0 is now live
  • It contains free changes in the path of cultural legacy, in addition to much more
  • This adds to a new leader and civic for the owners of the Crossroads of the World Collection.

The first important update for Sid Meier’s Civilization 7 Now it is live, bringing a handful of very necessary solutions and improvements and some new characteristics.

As described in official update notes, update 1.1.0 contains a combination of free and paid content. The most dramatic free change alters the path of cultural legacy of the geographical society of the modern era and seems oriented to prevent other leaders from instantly flooding their territory with dozens of exploratory units in madness to claim all its precious excavation sites.

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